
Please also check Canvas for class announcements.

Week 3 Announcement

Jan 27 · 0 min read

python logo

In Week 3 we further add to our computational tool belt with a focus on Python itself. After the review of the fundamentals we are now in a position to learn about the power of modularization and code re-use. You’ll also learn some vital tips and tricks for debugging.

Week 2 Announcement

Jan 21 · 1 min read

As a computational scientist you want to have a number of tools in your (virtual) tool belt to get your work done. In Week 1 we already learned to use the command line, namely bash.

git logo

In Week 2 we will learn to use the git source code management tool, a distributed version control system (VCS), that is widely used in the open source communities and in industry. A VCS keeps track of multiple files in a project and allows multiple people to work on the same project without overwriting each other’s changes.

python logo

We will also review the Python programming language. Python is widely used in the sciences (and in industry) and provides everything one needs to solve problems in virtually all areas you can think of.

Week 1 Announcement

Jan 14 · 0 min read

The plan for this week is to

  1. install a working environment with Python, git, bash, and a good coding editor (Atom) on your laptop
  2. learn to use the Unix shell (namely, bash)

Week 0 Announcement

Jan 13 · 0 min read

Hello world!

Welcome to PHY432. We start on 1/14/2025. Bring your laptop to class.

Please check the Canvas (ASU PHY432 Spring 2025) site for additional details.