Monte Carlo methods are used widely to simulate complex systems. As an example we will look at a model for ferromagnetism, the Ising model.

Metropolis Monte Carlo Simulation of the 2D Ising model at temperature kT/epsilon = 2.2

MCMC Simulation of the 2D Ising model at temperature \(kT/\epsilon = 2.2\). Left: up/down spin distribution. Middle: Average energy per spin as function of MC step. Right: Average magnetization over simulation.

Quick introduction to statistical mechanics

Important concepts

  • microstates and macrostates
  • macroscopic observables
  • temperature and heat baths
  • equilibrium
  • Boltzmann distribution, state probabilities \(P(E_n) = Z^{-1} \exp(-\beta E_n)\), relative probabilities are related by the Boltzmann factor of the energy difference \(p_2/p_1 = \exp\big(-\beta(E_2 - E_1)\big)\)
  • partition function \(Z = \sum_n \exp(-\beta E_n)\)

Metropolis MC sampling for the Ising model

Naïve Monte Carlo sampling is hopeless because the state space is too large. The solution is the Metropolis algorithm, which performs importance sampling using the Boltzmann distribution:

  • trial moves that ensure that the whole state space can be reached (single spin flip for a randomly chosen spin)
  • Metropolis criterion for the acceptance probability \(p_\text{accept} = \min\big(1, \exp(-\beta \Delta E)\big)\)
  • calculation of the energy difference
  • implementation of the acceptance step using random numbers with rejection sampling

The Metropolis algorithm can be viewed as a Markov Chain generator that reproduces the correct Boltzmann distribution.

1D and 2D Ising model in Python

We provide an object-oriented implementation of the SpinChain and SpinLattice classes that use Metropolis MC sampling to simulate the equilibrium state of the 1D and 2D Ising model at finite temperature. The basic data structure is a NumPy array that records spins with integers +1 or -1 and an update method that flips spins according to the Metropolis criterion. Auxiliary methods to run a simulation, to calculate averages, and to plot results are included to aid in interactive exploration of the Ising model.

We discuss the average energy and magnetization per spin as a function of temperature. No phase transition is observed in 1D. In 2D a phase transition near the theoretical critical temperature is visible. The simulated curves agree well with the analytical solutions for the 1D and 2D Ising model.

MCMC simulation of 2D Ising model: average energy compared to theoretical exact solution

MCMC simulation of 2D Ising model: average energy per spin compared to theoretical exact solution shows good agreement.

MCMC simulation of 2D Ising model: average magnetization compared to theoretical exact solution

MCMC simulation of 2D Ising model: average magnetization per spin compared to theoretical exact solution indicates the presence of phase transition between the magnetized phase for \(T<T_c\) and no magnetization for \(T>T_c\).

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